Romping Rover: Competitive Sports for Dogs

Dog sports are an excellent choice to keep your furry friend physically active, mentally stimulated, and socially engaged. Whether you're looking for a new hobby or to compete at a higher level, there's a dog sport to suit every breed and temperament. Our Village Animal Hospital team provides an overview of some exciting canine competitive [...]

4 Ways to Let Your Indoor Cat Express Their Wild Side

Is your cat's wild side yearning for adventure? You can give them exactly that within the safety of your home. By creating an enriching environment, you can help your indoor cat express their natural instincts and keep them happy and active. At Village Animal Hospital, our team knows how vital it is for your feline [...]

Hot Tips for Keeping Pets Cool This Summer

Heat-related illnesses are more likely to affect your pet as temperatures rise. Like humans, pets can suffer heatstroke in high temperatures, but they become ill considerably faster. The Village Animal Hospital team knows how deadly the heat can be for our pets, and we want to equip pet owners with the information needed to prevent [...]

Common Breed-Related Health Issues in Dogs and Cats

Purebred pets captivate so many people’s hearts. If you prize a certain look and personality in a dog or cat and buy from a breeder, you can ensure your puppy or kitten will grow up with the qualities they share with other breed members. Unfortunately, not all these traits are positive. Pedigreed pets’ gene pools [...]

Beyond the Basics: How Your Veterinarian Can Enrich Your Pet’s Life

When pet owners think of veterinarians, they often envision white coats, stethoscopes, and exam tables. However, the range of a veterinarian's expertise extends far beyond diagnosing illnesses and prescribing treatments. From nutrition guidance to behavior management, your Village Animal Hospital veterinarian can play a pivotal role in ensuring your furry friend’s overall health and well-being. [...]

Pet Ear Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts

Ear care is an afterthought for many pet owners, but knowing how to clean your pet’s ears is an essential skill. Most groomers clean pets’ ears as part of their standard bath package, but pets who don’t need regular haircuts should have their ears cleaned at home. Because this can be daunting for the inexperienced, [...]

Understanding and Addressing Common Pet Eye Diseases

Pet owners often overlook the importance of maintaining their pets' ocular health, assuming that eye issues rarely occur. However, common pet eye diseases can affect your beloved companion’s vision. Our Village Animal Hospital team understands that you prioritize your pet’s health and well-being, so we describe common pet eye diseases and how you can help [...]

Pet Health 101: Signs You Should Never Ignore

While your pet can't communicate their feelings in words, they often demonstrate that they have acute or chronic underlying medical problems through various signs. Missing these signs can lead to serious consequences. You are your pet’s constant companion and in the best position to detect subtle changes, so you need to know which health signs [...]

‘Tis the Season for Pet Safety: 7 Tips for a Worry-Free Holiday

The holiday season can be stressful, and you should not add a veterinary emergency visit to your to-do list. Unfortunately, many holiday traditions, including rich foods and elaborate decorations, can be harmful to your furry pal’s health. Our Village Animal Hospital team wants to help you avoid a disaster this holiday season, so we’re sharing [...]

Pancreatitis in Pets: Questions and Answers

As the holidays approach, veterinary hospitals are often faced with an influx of sick pets who ate too many scraps or got into the trash. Many of these pets have a simple stomach upset, but others develop a more serious condition called pancreatitis. This painful illness often requires hospitalization and can lead to life-threatening complications [...]

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